Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas 2009

Wow! Where does the time go?
Jake turned 2 on November 1st.
He had his party at Gymboree and had
a blast! Thanks to all that helped us
celebrate! We are so blessed with
such wonderful family and friends.
Since the last post, Jake has grown
so much. He is 29 lbs and 3 feet tall!
He wears a size 5 diaper and we are
about to work on potty training. ugh!
Jake talks so much! He will repeat anything and I
do mean anything that we say. And.....Jake
will be a Big Brother in July 2010!

We hope that you all had a blessed Holiday season.
Here are a few shots from ours.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

YUMM, YUMM..Ice Cream!

Jake took his first trip without mom and dad.
He went to Baskin Robbins with the Mayeux family.
As you can tell, he had a blast!
Added bonus....this also documents Jake's first black eye!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Camera Hog

What a little ham. This is one well photographed child.
Hope we take this many of our next child.
Jake is having such a great Spring.
One of his favorite things to do is to play in the cul-de-sac with Cara.
He laughs and laughs at her and loves to ride in the Jeep with her.
Jake's words:
mommy (mom-E)
daddy (dad-E)

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was a fun filled trip to Baton Rouge.
Friday night we went to a yummy Mexican
restaurant with Nana, Pops and Uncle Matt. Saturday we had
the annual Family Easter Crawfish Boil/Nanaws Birthday Bash
Nanaw turned 87 this year and we are so thankful that she
is back in good health.
Jake enjoyed playing with his cousins.
There are so many little ones now and it is such a
joy to watch them do the things that we used to do.
Jake really enjoyed playing on Brie, Allie and Grant's
roller coaster and hanging out in the playhouse.
Of course the festivities included an Easter egg hunt.
Jake even found one of the golden eggs.

Spring Fever at the Art Gallery

Isn't Jake just the cutest thing that you have ever seen!
What a personality!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jake and Logan

February 2009
How cute are these two!!

The Land

We are now the proud owners of 1.7 acres in beautiful Stonewall, LA.
Oh My!